Christian Education | Confirmation


Sunday School | Grades 4-8

Most Sundays September-May

Emphasizing the importance of service, engaging in projects
and fostering a spirit of love toward our neighbors

Led by Steve Juergens and Jennifer McLellan

Youth Hallway, 9:30-10:15 AM

Click Here to Register

*ALL Youth Ministry program students need to be registered.

*During the Sunday School hour, High School students may choose to attend adult education classes,
assist with children’s Sunday School or relax in the Courtyard.

Exploring Faith Class | Grades 8-12

November - March

Serves as a comprehensive faith formation program for all students every year.

For 2023/2024, we are using the Professing Our Faith curriculum:

“Professing Our Faith” shares a foundation of faith and spiritual practice in the Reformed tradition. It invites young people to explore the meaning of their baptism and their participation at the Lord's Supper, as well as to learn about church polity, stewardship, spiritual practices, worship, and [partnerships]…The scope and sequence presents the biblical foundations and theology of the Apostle's Creed, the Ten Commandments, and the Lord's Prayer.”

Led by Pastor Dan