Open & affirming

Our congregation recognizes that all people are uniquely loved and valued by God:
we welcome diversity of race, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity,
age, religious background, opinion, marital status, or economic condition.
Wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!

MIPC Open & Affirming Inclusion Policy (updated 8.2019)

MIPC seeks to honor and affirm persons of every gender identity and sexual orientation.
As it pertains to all levels of leadership in the church,
it is the policy of MIPC to honor and affirm the spiritual gifts of everyone in our faith community,
particularly people who have been historically marginalized and may easily be overlooked by the church.

At MIPC, all are welcome to baptism, communion, membership,
and all aspects of life and service within the church.
As moved by the Spirit, and following the process in the PC(USA) Book of Order,
all are eligible for ordination as deacons, elders, and Ministers of Word and Sacrament.