Our Pipe Organ


In 2003 MIPC entered into an agreement with the Pipe Organ Foundation to have a three manual, 21 rank instrument installed. Throughout 2004 and the first half of 2005, 52 volunteers contributed 5,800 hours to the rebuild and ultimate installation of the instrument. The installation was completed in the summer of 2005, and the dedication was on September 25, 2005. Since that time, seven more ranks have been added including a three rank mixture (Great), a manual Bourdon (Great), a 16’ Open Wood (Pedal, on top of the Family Room), a 16’ Trombone (Great and Pedal), and in 2017 a Glass Flute (Antiphonal).



Organ specifications

The organ consists of carefully selected parts from about a dozen prior organs with some pipes being over 100 years old. It is American Classical with a French Romantic influence. There are now 28 ranks of pipes (1,815 speaking pipes total) as well as Chimes (21 tubes) and Harp (49 bars). The organ is run by an advanced electronic driving system (Syndyne Corporation) with multiple couplers, 128 sets of memories, record/playback capabilities, and other advanced features.

Antiphonal (unenclosed; bottom manual)
D 8’ Geigen Diapason (73 pipes)
F 8’ Flute (85 pipes)
F 8’ Glass Flute (56 pipes)
S 8’ Viole (73 pipes)
R 8’ Cornopean (73 pipes)
Harp (49 bars)

Pedal (unenclosed)
F 16’ Open Wood (32 pipes)
F 16’ Bourdon (56 pipes)
S 16’ Violone (32 pipes)
R 16’ Trombone (73 pipes)
D 8’ Octave (44 pipes)

Pipe Groups
D - Diapason (principal)
F - Flute
S - String
R - Reed

Great (unenclosed; middle manual)
D 8’ Open Diapason (61 pipes)
F 8’ Bourdon (73 pipes)
D 4’ Octave (61 pipes)
D 2 2/3’ Twelfth (73 pipes)
D 2’ Fifteenth (73 pipes)
D Mixture III (183 pipes; 15, 19, 22)
R 8’ Clarinet (61 pipes)
Chimes (21 tubes)

Swell (enclosed, top manual)
F 16’ Gedeckt (85 pipes)
F 8’ Harmonic Flute (85 pipes)
S 8’ Salicional (73 pipes)
S 8’ Voix Celeste (49 pipes)
F 2 2/3’ Nazard (73 pipes)
D 1 3/5’ Tierce (61 pipes)
R 16’ Oboe (73 pipes)
R 8’ Trumpet (73 pipes)
R 8’ Vox Humana (61 pipes)